Site map
Web acceptance criteria
- Alert notification
- Animation
- Breadcrumbs
- Button
- Carousel / slideshow
- Checkbox
- Date picker dialog
- Expander accordion
- Figure: maps, charts and graphics
- Footer landmark
- Footnote
- Form
- Header landmark
- Heading: h1, h2, h3
- Hint, help, or error
- Basic web page
- iframe
- Decorative image
- Informative Image
- Link
- List
- Autocomplete input with listbox
- Main landmark
- Modal Dialog
- Navigation landmark
- Number input
- Pagination nav
- Password input
- Progress indicator
- Radio button
- Range slider input
- Scrolling container
- Search input
- Select dropdown
- Separator / horizontal rule
- Single page application
- Skip link
- Star rating input
- Stepper input
- Sticky element
- Strikethrough content
- Tab group
- Table
- Text input
- Textarea multiline input
- Tidbit
- Toast snackbar
- Toggle switch
- Tooltip
- Video/audio player
Native App acceptance criteria
- Focus
- Alert Dialog
- Animation
- Button
- Calendar Date Picker
- Captcha
- Carousel
- Checkbox
- Chip
- Time/Date Picker
- Dropdown
- Expandable region
- Field Errors
- Graphics/Visual Elements
- Headings
- Link
- Loading Icon
- Loading spinner
- Menu
- Modal
- Pagination control
- Progress indicator
- Radio button
- Reorder data row
- Search
- Segmented Control / Tabs
- Sheet
- Sidebar Navigation Menu
- Slider
- Snackbar/Toast
- Step indicator
- Stepper
- Strike-Through
- Table row/list item
- Table
- Text input
- Tidbit
- Time Picker
- Timer
- Toggle switch
- Web view
- Alert
- All the things
- Basic web page demo
- Inaccessible web page demo
- Button
- Carousel slideshow
- Checkbox
- Credit card
- Popular dog breeds by category
- Expander
- Expenses calculator
- Form Validation
- Header
- Heading: h1, h2, h3
- Hint, Help or Error
- Decorative Image
- Link
- Modal Dialog
- Navigation
- Number input
- Pagination nav
- Password input
- Product card
- Progress bar
- Radio filter
- Radio button
- Range slider
- Search
- Select dropdown
- Shipping address
- Skip link
- Loading spinner
- Star rating input
- Sticky content
- Table
- Text input
- Toast snackbar
- Toggle switch